
does your child need a doctor right now?

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does your child need a doctor right now?

Having three kids under the age of six is quite exciting. We never have a dull moment in our house and often have injuries and illnesses that need to be tended to by a doctor. I have learned a lot over the past six years about when a child needs to be seen by a doctor immediately and when certain things can wait until their regular pediatrician is available. I created this blog to help other parents learn about the injuries and illnesses that their children may experience when a doctor isn't available to take a child to whenever these things happen.


What To Do If You Think You Have Flu Symptoms

Flu season is at its height right now, and thousands of people have become severely ill from this condition. Even healthy people can be potentially made very sick by the flu. If you think that you're developing flu symptoms, quickly read this guide to find out what you should do to prevent it from becoming dangerous for you.

Know That Time Is of the Essence

When it comes to treating the flu, time is definitely of the essence. You need to get help as soon as possible, so don't ignore your symptoms or try to wait and see if they get better.

The reason for this is that treatment for the flu exists, but it's only effective early on. This is because the treatment stops the flu virus from reproducing itself, but if the virus is already full-blown and has overcome the body, the medication will no longer have the intended effect. Ideally, you want to get to a care provider within the first two days of having symptoms.

Get Help

If you need help and think you have the flu, head to an urgent care facility immediately. That's what they're there for. Heading to the ER is intended for people who have severe flu symptoms and are extremely ill. If you go to the ER with only mild symptoms, you'll be waiting for a long time and may not be given the treatment to help prevent your symptoms from getting worse in time.

Instead, urgent care facilities provide quick turnaround care that will get you the help you need. They will administer the antiviral medication that will help to nip the flu in the bud before it can become severe and dangerous to your health. Keep in mind that after your treatment you may still have symptoms for a while, but the symptoms will get better gradually over time as your body and the medicine work together to beat the virus.

Monitor Your Family

Once you've been treated, it's very important for you to monitor anyone that's living in your household. This is because the flu is extremely contagious, and as you've been living together in close quarters, there's a strong likelihood that someone else will have the virus, too. Just like with you, getting them care quickly is important, so if anyone starts to have so much as a sniffle, make sure they head to an urgent care facility just like you did. If their symptoms are particularly weak at this time, make sure that they inform the facility that they live with someone who had and was treated for the flu so that they get the treatment they need.

For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Walk-In Family Medicine Center.